Higher Ed. and Vocational >> Engineering and Computer Science >> Core Engineering >> Solid State Physics

Elementary Solid State Physics

Elementary Solid State Physics

  • M. Ali Omar
  • Author: M. Ali Omar
    • ISBN:9788177583779
    • 10 Digit ISBN:8177583778
    • Price:Rs. 1200.00
    • Pages:669
    • Imprint:Pearson Education
    • Binding:Paperback
    • Status:Available


    The volume is intended to serve as a general text in solid state physics for undergraduates in physics, applied physics, engineering, and other related scientific disciplines. It covers a wide range of topics with as many practical applications as possible.

    Table of Content

    1. Crystal Structures and Interatomic Forces
    2. X-Ray, Neutron, and Electron Diffraction in Crystals
    3. Lattice Vibrations: Thermal, Acoustic, and Optical Properties
    4. Metals I: The Free-Electron Model
    5. Metals II: Energy Bands in Solids
    6. Semiconductors I: Theory
    7. Semiconductors II: Devices
    8. Dielectric and Optical Properties of Solids
    9. Magnetism and Magnetic Resonances
    10. Superconductivity
    11. Topics in Metallurgy and Defects in Solids
    12. Materials and Solid-State Chemistry
    13. Solid-State Biophysics

    Salient Features