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General theory of Relativity

General theory of Relativity

  • Dr. S P Puri
  • Author: Dr. S P Puri
    • ISBN:9788131795682
    • 10 Digit ISBN:8131795683
    • Price:Rs. 660.00
    • Pages:368
    • Imprint:Pearson Education
    • Binding:Paperback
    • Status:Available

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    General Theory of Relativity is the generalization of special relativity to include gravitation. It emphasizes that the law of Physics must be same for all observers and thereby extended it to non-inertial frames.This text is intended as a textbook for the students of Physics at the undergraduate and postgraduate level. It gives equal importance to the mathematical and physical aspects of general theory of relativity and hence strengthening the foregrounds.


    Table of Content

    Historical Perspective
    1. A Brief Review on Special Relativity
    2. Tensor Analysis and Riemannian Geometry
           Part 1. Line Element
           Part 2. Geodesic Curves. Covariant Differentiation
           Part 3. Curvature Tensor
    3. Einstein's Field Equations
    4. Einstein's Law of Gravitation for Empty Space. Schwarzschild Solution
    5. Einstein's Law of Gravitation for Non-empty Space
    6. Gravitational Waves
    7. Black Holes
    8. Cosmology
    9. Astrophysics

    Salient Features

    • Detailed study of Tensor analysis
    • In-depth coverage on cosmology
    • An introductory  chapter on Special Theory of Relativity
    • 36 figures, 18 solved problems and 82 unsolved problems with answers