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Express Learning - Computer Fundamentals and Programming

Express Learning - Computer Fundamentals and Programming

  • Ashok Kamthane
  • Author: Ashok Kamthane
    • ISBN:9788131794791
    • 10 Digit ISBN:8131794792
    • Price:Rs. 600.00
    • Pages:464
    • Imprint:Pearson Education
    • Binding:Paperback
    • Status:Available

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    Express Learning is a series of books designed as quick reference guides to important undergraduate and postgraduate computer courses. The organized and accessible format of these books allows students to learn important concepts in an easy-to-understand, question-and-answer format. These portable learning tools have been designed as one-stop references for students to understand and master the subjects by themselves.

    Table of Content

    PART 1

    1 Fundamentals of Computers
    2 Number Systems 
    3 Operating Systems 
    4 Computer Software and Programming
    5 Introduction to Office Packages
    6 Networking and Internet

    PART 2

    1 Basics and Introduction to C 
    2 The C Declarations 
    3 Operators and Expressions
    4 Input and Output in C 
    5 Decision Statements 
    6 Loop Control Statements 
    7 Array 
    8 Strings and Standard Functions
    9 Pointers 
    10 Functions 
    11 Storage Class
    12 Preprocessor Directives 
    13 Structure and Union 
    14 Files 
    15 Graphics

    Salient Features

    • Presented in a question and answer format following the examination pattern
    • Covers all key topics in the syllabus
    • Designed to make learning fast and effective
    • Precise and up-to-date
    • Helps students excel in their examinations