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Group Theory: Covers the University of Delhi B.Sc. Mathematics (Hons) syllabi of Algebra II (Sem-3) and Algebra V (Sem-6)

Group Theory:   Covers the University of Delhi B.Sc. Mathematics (Hons) syllabi of Algebra II (Sem-3) and Algebra V (Sem-6)

  • Sudesh Kumari Shah
  • Asha Gauri Shankar
  • Author: Sudesh Kumari Shah
    • ISBN:9788131787632
    • 10 Digit ISBN:813178763X
    • Price:Rs. 470.00
    • Pages:416
    • Imprint:Pearson Education
    • Binding:Paperback
    • Status:Available


    Designed as a text for undergraduate students of mathematics, this book meets the curriculum requirements of the University of Delhi. It specifically caters to the syllabus of Group Theory covered in Algebra II (Semester 3) and Algebra V (Semester 6) and follows an easy-paced treatment of the basic concepts.

    Table of Content

    1. Definition and Examples of Groups
    2. Properties and Characterizations of Groups
    3. Subgroups
    4. Cyclic Groups
    5. Dihedral and Quarternion Groups
    6. Permutation Groups I
    7. External Direct Products
    8. Isomorphisms
    9. Lagrange's Theorem
    10. Normal Subgroups
    11. Factor Groups
    12. Homomorphisms
    13. Automorphisms
    14. Centralizer Normalizer and Centre
    15. Direct Products
    16. Fundamental Theorem of Finite Abelian Groups
    17. Group Action
    18. Permutation Representation of a Group
    19. Generalized Cayley's Theorem
    20. Conjugacy and Class Equation
    21. Permutation Groups II
    22. Sylow's Theorems and Non-Simplicity Tests
    23. Composition Series
    24. Solvable Groups

    Salient Features

    • Learning objectives at the beginning of each chapter
    • Concepts illustrated with 550 solved examples
    • Stepwise proofs of 200 theorems
    • Chapter-wise summary for ready reference
    • Graded exercises
    • Concepts reinforced by true/false questions
    • Answers/hints to all the 540 unsolved problems