Higher Ed. and Vocational >> Science and Mathematics >> Physics >> Quantum Mechanics

Principles of Quantum Mechanics

Principles of Quantum Mechanics

  • Dr Ishwar Singh Tyagi
  • Author: Dr Ishwar Singh Tyagi
    • ISBN:9788131773352
    • 10 Digit ISBN:8131773353
    • Price:Rs. 790.00
    • Pages:584
    • Imprint:Pearson Education
    • Binding:Paperback
    • Status:Available

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    Any course in physics cannot be completed without learning quantum mechanics.  This subject helps in understanding the individual behaviour of the subatomic particles that constitute all forms of matter.  Principles of Quantum Mechanics comprehensively covers all relevant topics to meet the requirements of both undergraduate and postgraduate students of physics. The initial chapters of the book introduce the basic fundamentals of the subject to help the first-time learners and the later chapters cover aspects that will prepare them to apply quantum mechanics to understand the various physical phenomena, for example, the working of micro- and nano-devices. The book includes a detailed discussion on why classical mechanics, which is applicable at macroscopic level, cannot be applicable at microscopic level .

    Salient Features

    1. Introduction
    2. Wave-particle Duality
    3. Wave Packets and Uncertainty Principle
    4. Operators, Eigenstates, Eigenvalues and Schrodinger Equation
    5. One-dimensional Problems
    6. The Linear Harmonic Oscillator
    7. The Linear Vector Space
    8. The Linear Harmonic Oscillator - Revisited
    9. Angular Momentum
    10. Three-Dimensional Systems
    11. Angular Momentum - Revisited
    12. The Spin
    13. Addition of Angular Momenta
    14. WKB Approximation and Electron Tunneling
    15. Time - Independent Perturbation theory
    16. Time - Dependent Perturbation Theory
    17. Semiclassical Theory of Radiations
    18. Theory of Scattering
    19. Theory of Measurement in Quantum Mechanics
    20. Introduction to Quantum computing
    A. Early Quantum Mechanics
    B. Some Supplemnetary Topics
    C.  Some Mathematical Relations
    D.  Various Tables