Higher Ed. and Vocational >> Engineering and Computer Science >> Computer Science >> Compiler Construction

Compilers: Principles and Practice

Compilers:   Principles and Practice

  • Parag Himanshu Dave
  • Himanshu Bhalchandra Dave
  • Author: Parag Himanshu Dave
    • ISBN:9788131764916
    • 10 Digit ISBN:8131764915
    • Price:Rs. 680.00
    • Pages:536
    • Imprint:Pearson Education
    • Binding:Paperback
    • Status:Available


    The book explains the phases and implementation of compilers and interpreters, using a large number of real-life examples. It includes examples from modern software practices such as Linux, GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) and Perl. This book has been class-tested and tuned to the requirements of undergraduate computer engineering courses across universities in India.

    Table of Content

    1. Introduction

    2. A Simple Translator

    3. Lexical Analyser

    4. Syntax Analyser

    5. Syntax Directed Translation

    6. Type Checking

    7. Run-Time Environment

    8. Intermediate Code

    9. Code Generation and Machine Dependent Optimization

    10. Code Optimization

    11. Overview of Processing of Some Languages

    12. Project: Compiler for a Mini-C

    Appendix A: Formal Languages and Automata

    Appendix B: Assemblers and MACRO processors

    Appendix C: Linkers and Loaders

    Appendix D: Worked Out Problems

    Salient Features

    • Concepts illustrated with a number of examples showing their practical implementation

    • The design of a compiler for mini C (a language like C) explained up to the code-generation stage, with the help of a project

    • Implementation issues for several modern popular programming languages such as Java, Perl, PROLOG and FORTH included

    • Compiler development tools such as YACC, Bison, LEX and Flex explained

    • GNU Compiler Collection (GCC), which is widely used by embedded system developers, discussed in detail Chapter-end glossary, suggestions for further reading and web resources provided to enhance students' learning experience