Higher Ed. and Vocational >> Engineering and Computer Science >> Computer Science >> Compiler Construction

Express Learning - Principles of Compiler Design

Express Learning - Principles of Compiler Design

  • ITL Education Solutions Limited
  • Author: ITL Education Solutions Limited
    • ISBN:9788131761267
    • 10 Digit ISBN:8131761266
    • Price:Rs. 430.00
    • Pages:184
    • Imprint:Pearson Education
    • Binding:Paperback
    • Status:Available


    Express Learning is a series of books designed as quick reference guides to important undergraduate computer courses. The organized and accessible format of these books allows students to learn important concepts in an easy-to-understand, question-and-answer format. These portable learning tools have been designed as one-stop references for students to understand and master the subjects by themselves.

    Table of Content

    1. Introduction to Compilers
    2. Lexical Analysis
    3. Specification of Programming Languages
    4. Basic Parsing Techniques
    5. LR Parsers
    6. Syntax-directed Translations
    7. Intermediate Code Generation
    8. Type Checking
    9. Runtime Administration
    10. Symbol Table
    11. Code Optimization and Code Generation

    Salient Features

    • Presented in a question and answer format following the examination pattern
    • Covers all key topics in the syllabus
    • Designed to make learning fast and effective
    • Precise and up-to-date
    • Helps students excel in their examinations