Higher Ed. and Vocational >> Humanities, Social Sciences and Languages >> Political Science >> Public Administration

Public Administration: Theory and Practice

Public Administration:   Theory and Practice

  • Hoshiar Singh
  • Pardeep Sachdeva
  • Author: Hoshiar Singh
    • ISBN:9788131761182
    • 10 Digit ISBN:8131761185
    • Price:Rs. 410.00
    • Pages:360
    • Imprint:Pearson Education
    • Binding:Paperback
    • Status:Available

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    Building upon the idea that public administration is the most vital tool of governance, this text explores its role in preserving and promoting peace in a welfare state. Written for undergraduate students, the authors lay immense stress on the fundamental theme and the key concepts throughout the discussion in the book to develop students' understanding and discourse skills in the field.

    Table of Content

    1. Meaning, Scope and Importance of Public Administration
    2. Theories of Organisation
    3. Principles of Organisation
    4. Administrative Behaviour
    5. Structure of Organisation
    6. Personnel Administration
    7. Financial Administration
    8. Accountability and Control
    9. Administrative Reforms
    10. Administrative Law
    11. Administrative Culture
    12. New Public Management
    13. Good Governance
    14. Comparative and Development Administration: Meaning, Nature, Scope and Importance
    15. Public Policy

    About the Authors

    Salient Features

    • A comprehensive and well-researched text
    • Covers all the major developments and key events in the subject