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C++ Programming: A practical approach

C++ Programming:   A practical approach

  • Madhusudan Mothe
  • Author: Madhusudan Mothe
    • ISBN:9788131760529
    • 10 Digit ISBN:8131760529
    • Price:Rs. 750.00
    • Pages:472
    • Imprint:Pearson Education
    • Binding:Paperback
    • Status:Available


    The book follows the approach of introducing a concept followed by providing an example and then brings out the intricacies of the topic by asking questions based on the example provided. The book stands out to be a complete textbook, taking care not only of the syllabi needs but also many advanced topics. The questions in the textbook are all solved, this makes it easy for students to check their understanding and also get help in questions which they can't fathom.

    The book exploits both, teaching and industrial experience of the author and provides various complexities that arise in the real programming scenario.

    Table of Content

    1. Welcome to C++
    2. Class (Structure++)
    3. Class Features
    4. Operator Overloading
    5. Inheritance
    6. Dynamic Polymorphism
    7. Generic Programming: Templates
    8. Exception Handling: Show Must Go On!
    9. Input/Output
    10. File Input/Output
    11. Last Wicket!

    Salient Features

    • 130 solved examples
    • Each concept explained with the help of examples
    • Complete programs have been provided
    • Wide array of questions to test the understanding of the student
    • Both elementary level and advanced level topics covered
    • All end-of-chapter questions solved