Higher Ed. and Vocational >> Humanities, Social Sciences and Languages >> Psychology >> Social Psychology

Fundamentals of Social Psychology

Fundamentals of Social Psychology

  • Robert A. Baron
  • Gopa Bhardwaj
  • Author: Robert A. Baron
    • ISBN:9788131759530
    • 10 Digit ISBN:8131759539
    • Price:Rs. 460.00
    • Pages:244
    • Imprint:Pearson Education
    • Binding:Paperback
    • Status:Available

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    The brief edition of the classic text Social Psychology, Fundamentals of Social Psychology, tries to encapsulate the hallmark style and coverage of the text to make it more reader friendly and accessible. Gopa Bhardwaj tries to reshape the content and bridge the gap to contextualise the needs and requirements of the Indian readers and yet preserve the richness and taste of the work that has motivated students to take social psychology out of the classroom and into their lives for over four decades.

    Table of Content

    1. Social Psychology
    2. Social Cognition
    3. Social Perception
    4. The Self
    5. Attitudes
    6. Stereotyping, Prejudice and Discrimination
    7. Interpersonal attraction and close relationships
    8. Social influence
    9. Prosocial behaviour
    10. Aggression
    11. Groups and Individuals
    12. Social Psychology

    Salient Features