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Statistics in Education and Psychology

Statistics in Education and Psychology

  • R. P. Pathak
  • Author: R. P. Pathak
    • ISBN:9788131759288
    • 10 Digit ISBN:8131759288
    • Price:Rs. 275.00
    • Pages:320
    • Imprint:Pearson Education
    • Binding:Paperback
    • Status:Available

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    The textbook Statistics in Education and Psychology aims to develop a coherent, logical and comprehensive outlook towards statistics. The subject involves a wide range of observations, measurements, tools, techniques and data analysis. This book covers diverse topics like measures of central tendency, measures of variability, the correlation method, normal probability curve (NPC), significance of difference of means, analysis of variance, non-parametric chi-square, standard score and T-score.

    Table of Content

    1. Measures of Central Tendency
    2. Measures of Variability
    3. The Correlation Method
    4. Normal Probability Curve
    5. Significance of Difference of Means
    6. Analysis of Variance
    7. Non-Parametric Test-Chi-square
    8. Standard Score and T-Score

    Salient Features

    • Chapter outlines for each chapter highlight its main elements
    • End of the chapter exercise, chapter summary and keywords.