Higher Ed. and Vocational >> Engineering and Computer Science >> Civil and Environmental Engineering >> Strength of Materials

Material Science and Metallurgy

Material Science and Metallurgy

  • U. C. Jindal
  • Atish Mozumder
  • Author: U. C. Jindal
    • ISBN:9788131759110
    • 10 Digit ISBN:8131759113
    • Price:Rs. 690.00
    • Pages:552
    • Imprint:Pearson Education
    • Binding:Paperback
    • Status:Available


    The book is presented in 20 chapters. The language used is user friendly and diagrams are giving the clear view and concept. Solved problems, multiple choice questions and review questions are also integral part of the book. The contents of the book are designed taking into account the syllabi of various universities, technical institutions and competitive examinations like UPSC, GATE etc. This book is among the very few in the market that covers both Material Science and Metallurgy as per various university requirements.

    Table of Content

  • Preface
  • About the Author
    1. Atomic Structure
    2. Atomic Bonding and Crystal
    3. Imperfections in Solids
    4. Plastic Deformation in Crystalline Materials
    5. Mechanical Properties
    6. Diffusion
    7. Phase Diagrams
    8. Phase Transformations
    9. Heat Treatment of Steels
    10. Metals and Alloys
    11. Organic Materials
    12. Ceramic Materials
    13. Composite Materials
    14. Wears of Materials
    15. Corrosion and Oxidation
    16. Thermal Properties
    17. Electrical Conductivity and Insulating Properties
    18. Semiconductors
    19. Dielectric Properties
    20. Magnetic Properties
  • Salient Features

    • A separate chapter highlighting various concepts and applications related to thermal properties and wear of materials
    • Exclusive coverage of different types of processes incorporated during heat treatment of steels
    • Two chapters explaining in detail concepts, characteristics and applications associated with ceramics and composite materials
    • More than 500 review and multiple-choice questions