Higher Ed. and Vocational >> Science and Mathematics >> Physics >> Quantum Mechanics

Classical Mechanics

Classical Mechanics

  • Herbert Goldstein
  • Charles P. Poole
  • John Safko
  • Author: Herbert Goldstein
    • ISBN:9788131758915
    • 10 Digit ISBN:8131758915
    • Price:Rs. 1000.00
    • Pages:664
    • Imprint:Pearson Education
    • Binding:Paperback
    • Status:Available

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    For 30 years, this classic text has been the acknowledged standard in classical mechanics courses. Classical Mechanics enables students to make connections between classical and modern physics – an indispensable part of a physicist's education. The authors have updated the topics, applications, and notations to reflect today's physics curriculum. They introduce students to the increasingly important role that nonlinearities play in contemporary applications of classical mechanics. New numerical exercises help students develop skills in the use of computer techniques to solve problems in physics. Mathematical techniques are presented in detail so that the text remains fully accessible to students who have not had an intermediate course in classical mechanics.

    Table of Content

    1. Survey of the Elementary Principles
    2. Variational Principles and Lagrange’s Equations
    3. The Central Force Problem
    4. The Kinematics of Rigid Body Motion
    5. The Rigid Body Equations of Motion
    6. Oscillations
    7. The Classical Mechanics of the Special Theory of Relativity
    8. The Hamilton Equations of Motion
    9. Canonical Transformations
    10. Hamilton–Jacobi Theory and Action-Angle Variables
    11. Classical Chaos
    12. Canonical Perturbation Theory
    13. Introduction to the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Formulations for Continuous Systems and Fields

    Appendix A Euler Angles in Alternate Conventions and Cayley–Klein Parameters
    Appendix B Groups and Algebras
    Appendix C Solutions to Select Exercises
    Selected Bibliography
    Author Index
    Subject Index

    Salient Features

    • The classical approach of this leading text book has been revised and updated
    • A section on the Euler and Lagrange exact solutions to the three-body problem
    • A section on the damped driven oscillator as an example of the workings of the Josephson junction
    • Chapter on canonical perturbation theory has been streamlined and the mathematics has been simplified
    • Approximately 45 new problems, mostly in Chapters 1–8 and 11.
    • Problems sets are now divided into “Derivations” and “Exercises”
    • Solutions for 19 select problems have been provided in Appendix C