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Guide for Internationals: Culture, Communication, and English as a Second Language

Guide for Internationals:   Culture, Communication, and English as a Second Language

  • Sana Reynolds
  • Deborah Valentine
  • Author: Sana Reynolds
    • ISBN:9788131756140
    • 10 Digit ISBN:8131756149
    • Price:Rs. 330.00
    • Pages:144
    • Imprint:Pearson Education
    • Binding:Paperback
    • Status:Available

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    Table of Content

    Part 1: Understanding the American Culture
    1. Individualism
    2. The Importance of Time
    3. Democratic Social & Business Structures
    Part 2: Communicating with Power
    1. Effective Writing
    2. Powerful Presentations
    3. Effective Nonverbal Communication
    4. Western Negotiation
    Part 3: Grammar & Usage Handbook This section provides a brief handbook for American Standard English. Appendices
    1. Understanding yourself: Cultural Questionnaire
    2. Online resources (accent management, grammar tools, courses, ESL)
    3. Bibliography
    4. Suggested readings for learning about the U.S. culture
    5. Suggested films for learning about the U.S. culture

    Salient Features