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Common Mistakes In English

Common Mistakes In English

  • T. J. Fitikides
  • Author: T. J. Fitikides
    • ISBN:9788131755372
    • 10 Digit ISBN:8131755371
    • Price:Rs. 300.00
    • Pages:208
    • Imprint:Pearson Education
    • Binding:Paperback
    • Status:Available


    Common Mistakes in English takes more than 550 examples of typical errors ( for example, words that are often confused, misused, or used with wrong preposition) and offers a correct version and an explanation that will help students avoid making that mistake themselves. An invaluable book for students who are keen to ' get it right' every time!

    Table of Content

    Part I: Misused forms
    1. Using the wrong preposition
    2. Misuse of the wrong tense
    3. Miscellaneous examples
    4. Un-English expressions
    Part II: Incorrect Omissions
    1. Omission of prepositions
    2. Miscellaneous examples
    Part III: Unnecessary Words
    1. Unnecessary Prepositions
    2. Unnecessary articles
    3. Use of infinitive
    4. Miscellaneous examples
    Part IV: Misplaced words
    1. Wrong Position of adverbs
    2. Miscellaneous examples
    Part V: Confused Words
    1. Prepositions often confused
    2. Verbs often confused
    3. Adverbs often confused
    4. Adjectives often confused
    5. Nouns often confused
    6. Confusion of number
    7. Confusion of parts of speech

    Salient Features