Higher Ed. and Vocational >> Business and Economics >> Accounting and Finance >> Management Accounting

Managerial Accounting for Business Decisions

Managerial Accounting for Business Decisions

  • Ray Proctor
  • Author: Ray Proctor
    • ISBN:9788131733509
    • 10 Digit ISBN:8131733505
    • Price:Rs. 1250.00
    • Pages:596
    • Imprint:Pearson Education
    • Binding:Paperback
    • Status:Available

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    Focussing squarely on the needs of today's business and non-specialist accounting students, the aim of this book is to set management accounting into a contemporary real world context, helping students to apply the theories they learn to management situations and to use clear thinking to obtain the best financial outcome.

    Proctor will assist the reader in the core areas of understanding the principles of management accounting, mastering the numerical aspects of the subject, interpreting the results and understanding the contribution management accounting can make to the management process.

    Frequently praised for the quality and clarity of writing, this book combines appropriate depth of coverage with a manageable size and a clear and uncluttered layout. It takes an explicitly managerial and practitioner perspective throughout and features really strong application to the real business world.

    Table of Content

    Part I: Foundations
    1. Cost behaviour
    2. The difference between profit and cash
    Part II: Financial Management
    1. Ratio Analysis and financial management
    2. Working capital management
    Part III: Decision Making
    1. Variable costing and breakeven analysis
    2. Short-term decisions using variable costing
    3. Short-term decisions using relevant costing
    4. Capital investment appraisal for long-term decisions
    Part IV: Product Costing and Pricing
    1. Product costs using absorption costing
    2. Product costs using activity-based costing
    3. Comparison of profits under absorption and variable costing
    4. Pricing your products
    5. Divisional performance and transfer pricing
    Part V: Budgetary Control
    1. Budgets and their creation
    2. Using budgets to control operations
    3. Budgets, behaviour and beyond budgeting
    4. Balanced scorecards
    5. Not-for-profit organizations

    Salient Features

    • Interesting case studies from real companies demonstrate the application of ideas to real business.
    • Quality question and answer material enables students to get to grips with the computational aspects of the course.
    • An excellent ‘Manager’s Point of View’ feature in every chapter, written by a high-level manager looks at the practical aspects of tackling managerial problems with management accounting tools.