Higher Ed. and Vocational >> Business and Economics >> Marketing >> Services Marketing

Services Marketing

Services Marketing

  • K. Rama Mohana Rao
  • Author: K. Rama Mohana Rao
    • ISBN:9788131732250
    • 10 Digit ISBN:8131732258
    • Price:Rs. 810.00
    • Pages:584
    • Imprint:Pearson Education
    • Binding:Paperback
    • Status:Available


    The last thirty years have witnessed a steady increase in the contribution of the services sector to economic growth. In fact, the contribution of services to the economies of the USA—the first to be declared a service economy with the services sector contributing more than 50 per cent of the GDP—and other developed countries continues to grow even now. However, in recent times, even developing economies have come to rely on the services sector for economic growth. Organizations have come to realize that services—characterized by intangibility, perishability and variability—are different from goods; hence, their marketing requires the use of specifically formulated strategies. It is no surprise then that services marketing has evolved as a specialized branch of study. Present-day managers need this knowledge to effectively drive the growth of their organizations.

    The second edition of Services Marketing, with an enhanced conceptual foundation, meets this requirement of students, managers and marketing professionals. This thoroughly revised and updated edition retains the best-loved features of the first edition, while improving on the pedagogy. The enhanced pedagogy and coverage in this edition in conjunction with the lucid and pithy style of the author make this book perfect for students of business administration, commerce and management.

    Table of Content

    1. Introduction to Services Marketing
    2. Marketing Management: Core Concepts
    3. The Marketing Environment
    4. The Services Sector in the Indian Economy
    5. Consumer Behaviour in Services
    6. Marketing Information System and Research
    7. Services Strategy
    8. Market Segmentation
    9. Competition Analysis and Strategies
    10. Service Demand Management
    11. The Service Product
    12. Service Branding and Positioning
    13. Physical Evidence
    14. Pricing
    15. Distribution
    16. Internal Marketing
    17. External Marketing
    18. Interactive Marketing
    19. Service Quality Management
    20. Service Failures and Recovery
    21. Customer Relationship Management
    22. International Marketing of Services
    23. Consumer Protection in Services
    24. Services Marketing in India

    Case 1. Beauty Care by Marico: Kaya Skin Clinics
    Case 2. Life Insurance Corporation: Restructuring for Growth
    Case 3. McDonald’s in India
    Case 4. Subway’s Marketing Strategy in India
    Case 5. Cox and Kings: Service with a Difference Index

    Salient Features

    • New Chapters: Seven new chapters added to ensure comprehensive coverage of concepts: ‘Marketing Management: Core Concepts’; ‘Marketing Environment’; ‘Marketing Information System and Research’; ‘Competition Analysis and Strategies’; ‘Services Branding and Positioning’; ‘Service Failures and Recovery’; and ‘International Services Marketing’
    • Improved Pedagogy: Opening vignettes, caselets, margin notes and assignments added to each chapter to highlight real-problems and organizational strategies and to foster the analytical and problem-solving abilities of students
    • Cases: Five short cases appended at the end of the book to encourage students to explore the real-world problems that services organizations face
    • Enhanced Teaching and Learning Package: Supplements comprise an online question bank for students, and PowerPoint lecture slides and instructors’ manual for instructors