Higher Ed. and Vocational >> Humanities, Social Sciences and Languages >> English Language and Literature >> Business English

Communicative English for Engineers and Professionals

Communicative English for Engineers and Professionals

  • Nitin Bhatnagar
  • Mamta Bhatnagar
  • Author: Nitin Bhatnagar
    • ISBN:9788131732045
    • 10 Digit ISBN:8131732045
    • Price:Rs. 420.00
    • Pages:312
    • Imprint:Longman
    • Binding:Paperback
    • Status:Available


    This book covers the syllabi of BTech, BE, B.Com, M.Com, BBA, MBA, Hospitality, BPharma, Nursing, Physiotherapy, and other courses being taught at various universities, and professional and technical institutions.

    Communicative English for Engineers and Professionals integrates learning modules for spoken and written skills in English to give the readers an edge in their careers. Focusing on the requirements of professionals and students, this book equips them to effectively communicate and present themselves at their workplace and other interactive spheres.

    Table of Content

    1. Effective Communication
    2. Use of Technology and Communication Skills
    3. Word Elements
    4. Vocabulary Building
    5. Speaking Skills
    6. Professional Interaction
    7. Functional Grammar
    8. Reading and Study Skills
    9. Written Communication
    10. Professional and Technical Communication

    Salient Features

    • Covers Computer Aided Language Learning and other useful technologies for learning oral and written communications skills
    • Charts and illustrations for easy access to concepts
    • Pointers to imbibe successful communication techniques and eliminate barriers to communication
    • Learner-oriented practice material for application of concepts in professional and personal real-life situations
    • Specific suggestions for technical communication