Innovation Management and New Product Development
Paul Trott
- ISBN:9788131728031
- 10 Digit ISBN:813172803X
Price:Rs. 1190.00
- Pages:616
- Imprint:FT Press
- Binding:Paperback
- Status:Available
The subject of innovation management is often treated as a series of separate specialisms, rather than an integrated task. The main aim of this book, however, is to bring together the areas of innovation management and new product development and to keep a strong emphasis on innovation as a management process.
Written in an accessible style, this fourth edition brings a change in structure to clearly set out three key areas for the student: Innovation management, managing technology and knowledge and new product development.
As innovation continues to be at the forefront of economic and political debate about how to improve the competitiveness of economies and firms, Innovation Management and New Product Development will give you some insight into the problems faced by firms as they try to develop innovative products that will help them survive and prosper.
Table of Content
Part I: Innovation management
- Innovation Management: An Introduction (Rewritten & New Case Study)
- Economics and Market Adoption
- Managing Innovation Within Firms (Rewritten)
- Innovation and Operations Management (R Noble)
- Managing Intellectual property
Part II: Managing technology and knowledge
- Managing Organisational Knowledge (New Case Study)
- Strategic Alliances And Networks
- Management of Research & Development
- Managing R&D projects (New case study)
- Open Innovation and Technology Transfer
Part III: New Product Development
- Product & Brand Strategy
- New Product Development (New Case Study)
- Packaging and Product Development
- New Service Innovation
- Market Research and its Influence on New Product Development
- Managing the New Product Development Process
Salient Features
- Topical articles from the Financial Times illustrate how the subject is being discussed in the context of the wider business world.
- NEW! A new chapter on service development offers up-to-date coverage of this popular subject.
- NEW!Pause for thought questions integrated within the text, designed to help you reflect on what you have just read and to check your understanding.
- NEW! Five major new case studies have been introduced - including eBay, Viagra, Innocent and Apple.
- NEW! A colourful new design enlivens the text and makes the structure easy to follow.
- A comprehensive set of web references at the end of each chapter guides the reader to further resources.