Understanding Cross-cultural Management
Marie-Joelle Browaeys
- ISBN:9788131727973
- 10 Digit ISBN:8131727971
Price:Rs. 1090.00
- Pages:384
- Imprint:FT Press
- Binding:Paperback
- Status:Available
A brand new text in cross-cultural management which presents the key themes and issues in managing people and organisations across national and cultural boundaries.
The book offers a selective but broad view of current thinking on culture linked to management, organisation and communication. It also encourages the reader to apply theories and ideas to practice – and to relate them to their own experience – through various examples and mini-cases from the business world, and a range of practical activities.
The book has been written for undergraduate and postgraduate students studying cross-cultural and international management as part of specialist international business programmes, or generic business-related qualifications.
Table of Content
Part I: Culture and Management
- Determinants of Culture
- Dimensions of Culture In Business
- Western Business Cultures
- Business Cultures in the East
- Cultural Dimensions and Dilemmas
- Cultures and Styles Of Management
Part II: Culture and Organisations
- Culture and Corporate Structures
- Culture and Leadership
- Culture and Strategy
- Cultural Changes in Organisations
- Culture and Marketing
- Cultural Diversity in Organisations
Part III: Culture and Communication
- Business Communication across Cultures
- Barriers to Intercultural Communication
- Negotiating Internationally
- Working with International Teams
- Conflicts and Cultural Differences
- Developing Intercultural Relationships
Salient Features
- A clear 3-part structure focusing on culture and management, organisation and communication
- Cross-Cultural Concepts contain key ideas from leading theorists, thinkers and practitioners
- Activities, including case studies, discussion and dilemmas, enable the reader to reflect internally and interact externally to apply theory to practice
- More extensive Final Activities at the end of each Part provide a broader and more integrative perspective on the material in question
- Key contemporary issues are covered, such as cross-cultural conflict and the negotiation skills required to be a successful cross-cultural communicator