Higher Ed. and Vocational >> Business and Economics >> Management and Organizational Behaviour >> Management

Understanding Cross-cultural Management

Understanding Cross-cultural Management

  • Marie-Joelle Browaeys
  • Roger Price
  • Author: Marie-Joelle Browaeys
    • ISBN:9788131727973
    • 10 Digit ISBN:8131727971
    • Price:Rs. 1090.00
    • Pages:384
    • Imprint:FT Press
    • Binding:Paperback
    • Status:Available


    A brand new text in cross-cultural management which presents the key themes and issues in managing people and organisations across national and cultural boundaries.

    The book offers a selective but broad view of current thinking on culture linked to management, organisation and communication. It also encourages the reader to apply theories and ideas to practice – and to relate them to their own experience – through various examples and mini-cases from the business world, and a range of practical activities.

    The book has been written for undergraduate and postgraduate students studying cross-cultural and international management as part of specialist international business programmes, or generic business-related qualifications.

    Table of Content

    Part I: Culture and Management
    1. Determinants of Culture
    2. Dimensions of Culture In Business
    3. Western Business Cultures
    4. Business Cultures in the East
    5. Cultural Dimensions and Dilemmas
    6. Cultures and Styles Of Management
    Part II: Culture and Organisations
    1. Culture and Corporate Structures
    2. Culture and Leadership
    3. Culture and Strategy
    4. Cultural Changes in Organisations
    5. Culture and Marketing
    6. Cultural Diversity in Organisations
    Part III: Culture and Communication
    1. Business Communication across Cultures
    2. Barriers to Intercultural Communication
    3. Negotiating Internationally
    4. Working with International Teams
    5. Conflicts and Cultural Differences
    6. Developing Intercultural Relationships

    Salient Features

    • A clear 3-part structure focusing on culture and management, organisation and communication
    • Cross-Cultural Concepts contain key ideas from leading theorists, thinkers and practitioners
    • Activities, including case studies, discussion and dilemmas, enable the reader to reflect internally and interact externally to apply theory to practice
    • More extensive Final Activities at the end of each Part provide a broader and more integrative perspective on the material in question
    • Key contemporary issues are covered, such as cross-cultural conflict and the negotiation skills required to be a successful cross-cultural communicator