Higher Ed. and Vocational >> Engineering and Computer Science >> Computer Science >> Database Systems

Distributed Database Systems

Distributed Database Systems

  • Chhanda Ray
  • Author: Chhanda Ray
    • ISBN:9788131727188
    • 10 Digit ISBN:8131727181
    • Price:Rs. 760.00
    • Pages:324
    • Imprint:Pearson Education
    • Binding:Paperback
    • Status:Available


    Distributed Database Systems discusses the recent and emerging technologies in the field of distributed database technology. The material is up-to-date, highly readable, and illustrated with numerous practical examples. The mainstream areas of distributed database technology, such as distributed database design, distributed DBMS architectures, distributed transaction management, distributed concurrency control, deadlock handling in distributed systems, distributed recovery management, distributed query processing and optimization, data security and catalog management, have been covered in detail. The popular distributed database systems, SDD-1 and R*, have also been included.

    Table of Content

    1. Overview of Relational DBMS
    2. Review of Database Systems
    3. Distributed Database Concepts
    4. Overview of Computer Networking
    5. Distributed Database Design
    6. Distributed DBMS Architecture
    7. Distributed Transaction Management
    8. Distributed Concurrency Control
    9. Distributed Deadlock Management
    10. Distributed Recovery Management
    11. Distributed Query Processing
    12. Distributed Database Security and Catalog Management
    13. Mobile Databases and Object-Oriented DBMS
    14. Distributed Database Systems
    15. Data Warehousing and Data Mining

    Salient Features

    • Covers relational DBMS and current networking technologies
    • Comprehensive coverage of parallel databases, distributed DBMS architectures, mobile, object-oriented and object-relational databases.
    • Discussion of advanced transaction models and workflows, and random strategies for query optimization
    • A chapter devoted to data warehousing and data mining.
    • Case studies on the latest distributed database systems
    • Pedagogy includes chapter objectives and summaries, key definitions, examples, multiple choices and review questions.