Higher Ed. and Vocational >> Engineering and Computer Science >> Electrical & Electronics Engineering >> Power Systems

Power System Operation and Control

Power System Operation and Control

  • S. Sivanagaraju
  • G. Sreenivasan
  • Author: S. Sivanagaraju
    • ISBN:9788131726624
    • 10 Digit ISBN:8131726622
    • Price:Rs. 990.00
    • Pages:612
    • Imprint:Pearson Education
    • Binding:Paperback
    • Status:Available


    Power System Operation and Control is a comprehensive text designed for undergraduate and postgraduate courses in electrical engineering. This book aims to meet the requirements of electrical engineering students of universities all over India. This text is written in a simple and easy-to-understand manner and is valuable both as a textbook as well as a reference book for engineering students and practicing engineers.

    Table of Content

    1. Economic Aspects
    2. Economic Load Dispatch-I
    3. Economic Load Dispatch-II
    4. Optimal Unit Commitment
    5. Optimal Power-Flow Problem—Solution Technique
    6. Hydro-Thermal Scheduling
    7. Load Frequency Control-I
    8. Load Frequency Control-II
    9. Reactive Power Compensation
    10. Voltage Control
    11. Modeling of Prime Movers and Generators
    12. Modeling of Speed Governing and
    13. Excitation Systems
    14. Power System Security and State Estimation

    Salient Features

    • In-depth coverage of economical load dispatch problems and load frequency control of power systems
    • Exclusive chapters on reactive-power compensation with modern control techniques
    • A comprehensive chapter on voltage control
    • In-depth coverage of modelling of LFC components
    • Precise explanations supported by various examples
    • A large number of examples such as multiple-choice questions, short questions and answers, review questions, and practice problems