Pavement Analysis and Design, 2/e
Yang H. Huang
- ISBN:9788131721247
- 10 Digit ISBN:8131721248
Price:Rs. 1420.00
- Pages:792
- Imprint:Pearson Education
- Binding:Paperback
- Status:Available
This up-to-date text covers both theoretical and practical aspects of pavement analysis and design. It includes some of the latest developments in the field, and some very useful computer software—developed by the author—with detailed instructions.
Table of Content
- Introduction.
- Stresses and Strains in Flexible Pavements.
- KENLAYER Computer Program.
- Stresses and Deflections in Rigid Pavements.
- KENSLABS Computer Program.
- Traffic Loading and Volume.
- Material Characterization.
- Drainage Design.
- Pavement Performance.
- Reliability.
- Flexible Pavement Design.
- Rigid Pavement Design.
- Design of Overlays.
Salient Features
- NEW - KENPAVE Windows program—Based on the mechanistic-empirical method; written using Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0; combines the flexible and rigid pavements into a single package together with the addition of new input programs and computer graphics.
- Demonstrates to students how theory can be put into practice, and gives them a better understanding of the pavement design process.
- Serves as a useful tool for the structural design of raft foundations—an important subject in geotechnical engineering.
- NEW - Revised material on the AASHTO overlay design method.
- Reflects the AASHTO design guide which was revised in 1993.
- NEW - Added developments and information throughout
—i.e., a new method based on the Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion; and new comparisons between KENLAYER and the latest Windows version of MICH-PAVE.
- Keeps the book and students current, and broadens the scope of knowledge contained in both.
- NEW - Three additional appendices—Superpave
; Pavement Management System; and Preview of 2002 Design Guide.
- Provides students with the most current information available while new publications by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials are being approved and implemented.