Embedded C
Michael Pont
- ISBN:9788131715895
- 10 Digit ISBN:8131715892
Price:Rs. 900.00
- Pages:312
- Imprint:AW Professional
- Binding:Paperback
- Status:Available
For people who are about to write their first embedded program - or have been struggling to learn about this important area - this book will save weeks of effort.
Table of Content
- Programming Embedded Systems in C
- Introducing the 8051 Microcontroller
- Hello, Embedded World
- Reading Port Pins and Mechanical Switches
- Adding Structure to Your Code
- Meeting Real-Time Constraints
- Creating an Embedded Operating System
- Using the Serial Interface
- Case study: Milk Pasteurization
- Case study: Washing Machine
- Case study: Remotely-Controlled Robot
- Case study: Intruder Alarm System
- Where Do We Go From Here?
Salient Features
- A copy of the Keil hardware simulator for the 8051 microcontroller is included on the CD, so that readers can try out all of the examples in the book -
- All of the code is written entirely in C: no knowledge of assembly language is needed.
- Programmers with experience of C, C++ or Java on a desktop PC or workstation will therefore be able to get up and running very quickly.
- Key techniques required in all embedded systems are covered in detail, including the control of port pins and the reading of switches.
- The book covers the microcontroller serial interface, widely used for debugging embedded systems, as well as for system maintenance and for data acquisition applications.
- The book presents a complete embedded operating system which uses less than 1% of the available processor power in an 8-bit processor. All source code for the OS is provided in the book.