The Elements of Immunology
Fahim Halim Khan
- ISBN:9788131711583
- 10 Digit ISBN:8131711587
Price:Rs. 1450.00
- Pages:508
- Imprint:Pearson Education
- Binding:Paperback
- Status:Available
The Elements of Immunology is designed to introduce readers to the exciting world of immunology, the people who populate it and foster a curiosity to question and know more. The book is supported by a consistent, colourful art programme. The detailed explanation of concepts and terms, and the deconstruction of complex molecular mechanisms into simple, easy-to-remember steps help students focus on the fundamentals without any distractions. Packed with extensive Web-based supplements, the book enables students to visualize concepts, thereby enriching the learning process.
The book, comprising twenty chapters, has numerous pedagogical elements built into it. Margin snippets present interesting and relevant information without breaking the flow of the text. Margin definitions highlight the key terms for easy identification and recollection. Each chapter talks about a relevant molecular biology technique, thus providing an insight into the practical aspect of immunology as well. A glossary at the end of the book lists out the important terms used.
Table of Content
- Introduction to the Immune System
- Cells and Organs of the Immune System
- Antigens
- Antibodies
- Generation of Antibody Diversity
- Major Histocompatibility Complex
- T-cell Receptor
- T-cell Development and Activation
- B-cell Development and Activation
- Complement System
- Antigen Processing and Presentation
- Cell-mediated Immunity
- Hypersensitivity
- Cell Migration and Inflammatory Response
- Immune Response to Infectious Agents
- Vaccines
- Transplantation Immunology
- Cancer and the Immune System
- Primary and Secondary Immunodeficiencies
- Autoimmunity and Autoimmune Diseases
Salient Features
- Simple and lucid language explaining core concepts
- Rich pedagogy that facilitates learning
- Colourful and consistent art programme comprising over 300 four-colour illustrations that helps to visualize and comprehend concepts better
- 400 end-of-chapter questions help revise the key concepts
- Discussion of the latest developments in the area of immunology such as MHC haplotype matching for cell transplantation, latest antiretroviral drugs developed against HIV, etc.
- Description of key contributors, researchers and their landmark experiments
- Packed with supplements and media resources
- Over 30 animations that depict key concepts in three dimensions
- A question bank containing over 400 questions and clinical case studies along with lecture slides including artwork from the book, as supplements to the text, specifically for the instructors
Please click here to access additional student resources such as animations and MCQs.