Higher Ed. and Vocational >> Engineering and Computer Science >> Civil and Environmental Engineering >> Hydrology

Elementary Engineering Hydrology

Elementary Engineering Hydrology

  • M. J. Deodhar
  • Author: M. J. Deodhar
    • ISBN:9788131708057
    • 10 Digit ISBN:8131708055
    • Price:Rs. 990.00
    • Pages:408
    • Imprint:Pearson Education
    • Binding:Paperback
    • Status:Available


    Elementary Engineering Hydrology is a textbook for undergraduate and diploma students of civil engineering. It provides a comprehensive coverage of all the essential aspects of hydrology. To make it easy for students to grasp the concepts, all important topics have been divided into sub-topics, lending clarity to the subject matter. The text is interspersed with numerous figures and tables, and a wide range of solved problems to illustrate the underlying concepts and techniques effectively. Simple and comprehensible for beginners in the course, this book also contains a host of additional information, by way of appendices, including India's National Water Policy, water resources of India and also a guide to using survey maps. These features of the book will make it an invaluable reference book for practicing engineers as well.

    Table of Content

    1. Introduction
    2. Hydrometeorology
    3. Evaporation and Transpiration
    4. Precipitation
    5. Infiltration
    6. Hydrograph
    7. Runoff
    8. Floods
    9. Discharge Measurement
    10. Flood Routing
    11. Groundwater

    Salient Features

    • Chapter organization based on the progression of the stages of the hydrologic cycle
    • Inclusion of recent developments in the field of discharge measurement of high velocity fluids, and rainfall simulation to measure the infiltration rate
    • Separate chapters devoted to evaporation and transpiration, precipitation, infiltration, discharge measurement, etc.
    • An excellent selection of a wide range of solved problems, interspersed in the text as well as at the end of each chapter
    • Review questions, objective-type questions and numerous practice problems to aid self-study