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Machine Learning, 1/e

Machine Learning, 1/e
Author(s)  Simy Joy ,Payal Anand ,Priya Nair Rajeev
ISBN  9789353066697
Imprint  Pearson Education
Copyright  2019
Pages  456
Binding  Paperback
List Price  Rs. 685.00

 Machine Learning introduces readers to the area of machine learning in an extremely easy to read and understand manner. Through numerous worked-out problems, diagrams and notes, the text makes this challenging subject easy to assimilate. The text starts with a simple introduction to the concepts of machine learning and expands it by delving into the details of different learning algorithms by using sample caselets. The authors, by virtue of their long exposure to industry implementations, have designed the topics so that readers will earn industry-readiness by just reading this text.

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Saikat Dutt


Cognizant Technology Solutions

Subramanian Chandramouli

Associate Director

Cognizant Technology Solutions

Amit Kumar Das

Assistant Professor

Institute of Engineering & Management"

 1 Introduction to Machine Learning

2 Preparing to Model

3 Modelling and Evaluation

4 Basics of Feature Engineering

5 Brief Overview of Probability

6 B ayesian Concept Learning

7 Super vised Learning: Classification

8 Super vised Learning: Regression

9 Unsupervised Learning

10 Basics of Neural Network

11 Other Types of Learning"


1. Hands-on implementation of machine learning in R and Python

2. In-depth treatment of supervised and unsupervised learning

3. Examples that showcase the use of machine learning in the industry

4. 400+ sample questions and 3 full-length sample exam papers 

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