• Bob Holtz, PhD, PE, D.GE, has degrees from Minnesota and Northwestern, and he attended the Special Program in Soil Mechanics at Harvard under Professor A. Casagrande. Before coming to the UW in 1988, he was on the faculty at Purdue and Cal State-Sacramento. He has worked for the California Dept. of Water Resources, Swedish Geotechnical Institute, NRC-Canada, and as a consulting engineer in Chicago, Paris, and Milano.
• William D. Kovacs, F. ASCE, Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering Professor and former Chairman of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering from 1984 to 1990
• Thomas C. Sheahan is a Professor and the Senior Associate Dean for Academic Affairs in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Northeastern University.
Chapter 1: Introduction to Geotechnical Engineering
Chapter 2: Index and Classification Properties of Soils
Chapter 3: Geology, Landforms, and the Origin of Geo-Materials
Chapter 4: Clay Minerals, Soil and Rock Structures, and Rock Classification
Chapter 5: Compaction and Stabilization of Soils
Chapter 6: Hydrostatic Water in Soils and Rocks
Chapter 7: Fluid Flow in Soils and Rock
Chapter 8: Compressibility of Soil and Rock
Chapter 9: Time Rate of Consolidation
Chapter 10: Stress Distribution and Settlement Analysis
Chapter 11: The Mohr Circle, Failure Theories, and Strength Testing of Soil And Rocks
Chapter 12: An Introduction to Shear Strength of Soils and Rock
Chapter 13: Advanced Topics in Shear Strength of Soils and Rocks
• Focuses on the engineering classification, behavior, and properties of soils necessary for the design and construction of foundations and earth structures
• Introduces vibratory and dynamic compaction, the method of fragments, the Schmertmann procedure for determining field compressibility, secondary compression, liquefaction, and an extensive use of the stress path method