Higher Ed. and Vocational >> Business and Economics >> Accounting and Finance >> Financial Management

Fundamentals of Financial Management

Fundamentals of Financial Management

  • Vyuptakesh Sharan
  • Author: Vyuptakesh Sharan
    • ISBN:9788131761427
    • 10 Digit ISBN:8131761428
    • Price:Rs. 600.00
    • Pages:552
    • Imprint:Pearson Education
    • Binding:Paperback
    • Status:Available

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    Table of Content

    PART I: Fundamental Concepts of Financial Management
    1. Nature and Goal of Financial Decisions
    2. Time Value of Money
    3. Concept of Risk and Return
    4. Valuation of the Firm
    PART II: Long – Term Investment Decision
    1. Principles of Capital Budgeting
    2. Capital Budgeting In Practice
    3. Cost of Capital
    PART III: Working Capital Management
    1. Working Capital Policy
    2. Management of Cash and Near-Cash Assets
    3. Management of Accounts Receivable
    4. Inventory Management
    5. Sources of Short – Term Finance
    PART IV: Long – Term Financing and Dividend Decisions
    1. Capitalization
    2. Capital Structure
    3. Corporate Securities
    4. Term Loans and Leases
    5. Dividend Theories and Policy
    PART V: Financial Analysis Planning and Forecasting
    1. Financial Statements
    2. Financial Ratio Analysis
    3. Break-Even Analysis
    4. Leverage
    5. Financial Forecasting
    PART VI: Special Topics in Financial Management
    1. Corporate Combinations
    2. Corporate Financial Distress
    3. International Financial Management

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