Higher Ed. and Vocational >> Engineering and Computer Science >> Computer Science >> Web Programming

Web Technologies: A Computer Science Perspective

Web Technologies:   A Computer Science Perspective

  • Jeffrey C. Jackson
  • Author: Jeffrey C. Jackson
    • ISBN:9788131717158
    • 10 Digit ISBN:8131717151
    • Price:Rs. 950.00
    • Pages:592
    • Imprint:Pearson Education
    • Binding:Paperback
    • Status:Available


    This text introduces the key technologies that have been developed as part of the birth and maturation of the World Wide Web. It provides a consistent, in-depth treatment of technologies that are unlikely to receive detailed coverage in non-Web computer science courses. Students will find an ongoing case study that integrates a wide spectrum of Web technologies, guidance on setting up their own software environments, and a variety of exercises and project assignments.

    Table of Content

    1. Web Essentials: Clients, Servers, and Communication
    2. Markup Languages: XHTML 1.0
    3. Style Sheets: CSS
    4. Client-Side Programming: The JavaScript Language
    5. Host Objects: Browsers and the DOM
    6. Server-Side Programming: Java Servlets
    7. Representing Web Data: XML
    8. Separating Programming and Presentation: JSP Technology
    9. Web Services: JAX-RPC, WSDL, XML Schema, and SOAP
    • Appendices
    • A. Software Installation
    • B. Storing Java Objects as Files
    • C. Databases and Java Servlets
    • Bibliography

    Salient Features

    • Standards-first approach in both text and exercises - Encourages students tdevelop standards-compliant software.

    • Java-based representatives - Chosen tdetail Web capabilities that can be provided by several competing technologies, enabling students tfocus on the concepts rather than on learning new languages.

    • All software used in examples and needed for exercises and projects is available via free download for multiple platforms - Enables students trun examples and develop assignments on their own machines rather than in a lab.

    • Web Services coverage includes several technologies such as SOAP, WSDL, and Java-based development tools that are likely tincrease in importance in coming years.

    • Multiple types of exercises in each chapter - Includes exercises, research/exploration problems, and projects.

    • Numerous examples illustrate nearly every concept covered - Examples are often small, illustrating a single concept, with larger examples provided as needed tdemonstrate how concepts can be integrated and/or tprovide motivation.

    • End-of-chapter online references tprimary source material - All freely available on the Web for further study or research assignments.