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Global Marketing Management, 8/e

Global Marketing Management, 8/e
Author(s)  Simy Joy ,Payal Anand ,Priya Nair Rajeev
ISBN  9789332584327
Imprint  Pearson Education
Copyright  2017
Pages  504
Binding  Paperback
List Price  Rs. 950.00

 Global Marketing Management, Eighth Edition, presents the latest developments in global marketing within the context of the whole organization, making internal and external connections where appropriate for a deeper understanding of global business from a managerial point of view.

  • About the Author
  • Contents
  • Features
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Warren J. Keegan is Distinguished Professor of Marketing and International Business and Director of the Institute for Global Business Strategy at the Lubin School of Business, Pace University, New York City and Westchester. 


I. Introduction and Overview

1. Introduction to Global Marketing

II. The Global Marketing Environment

2. The Global Economic Environment

3. The Political, Legal, and Regulatory Environments of Global Marketing

4. The Global Cultural Environment

III. Analyzing and Targeting Global Market Opportunities

5. Global Customers

6. Global Marketing Information Systems and Research

7. Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning

IV. Global Marketing Strategy

8. Global Entry and Expansion Strategies

9. Competitive Analysis and Strategy

V. Creating Global Marketing Programs

10. Product Decisions

11. Pricing Decisions

12. Global Marketing Channels

13. Global Integrated Marketing Communications

VI. Managing the Global Marketing Program

14. Global Organization and Leadership: Managing the Global Marketing Effort

15. The Future of Global Marketing



New to the Eighth Edition:

Integrated discussion of Internet marketing throughout the book

Intensified focus on culture's influence on marketing communications both from the customer's and manager's perspective

New chapter-Global Social and Environmental Responsibility

Latest research and theory from the leading academic and business publications

Illustrative stories adapted from current business management press

Experiential exercises that require students to apply concepts presented in the chapter to realistic business situations

Chapter-at-a-glance outline for easy identification of the chapter structure and main topics

Completely revised and updated lecture slides that include access to websites and other relevant multimedia sources and teaching aids 

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