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Research Methodology, 1/e

Research Methodology, 1/e
Author(s)  Simy Joy ,Payal Anand ,Priya Nair Rajeev
ISBN  9789352863518
Imprint  Pearson Education
Copyright  2018
Pages  328
Binding  Paperback
List Price  Rs. 590.00

This book offers a standardized approach for research aspirants working in the various areas. At the same time, all the major topics in social research have also been detailed thoroughly which makes this book a very good frame of study for students and researchers in diverse fields. This book charts new and evolving terrain of social research by covering qualitative, quantitative and mixed approach. The chapters has extensive number of case studies that help researchers to understand practical implications of the research and includes plenty of diagrammatic representations for easy understanding of various theories and procedures. Each phase of research is explained in detail so that even beginners can also effectively utilize this book. It is written in a highly interactive manner, which makes for an interesting read. Templates of technical report, business report and research reports are also included in the book. This provides the reader with a hands-on experience.

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Dr S. S. Vinod Chandra is working as the Director, Computer Centre, University of Kerala. Since 1999, he has taught in various Engineering Colleges in Kerala. Dr S. S. Vinod Chandra holds a Ph.D. from University of Kerala and M.Tech. from CUSAT with first rank. He has discovered four microRNAs in the human cell. He has five IPRs in algorithms.

Dr S. Anand Hareendran is currently working as an Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Muthoot Institute of Technology and Science, Kochi. He obtained his Ph.D. in Computer Science from University of Kerala. His current areas of research include machine learning algorithms, association rule mining and bioinspired methodologies. He has a modest number of research journal publications and has two IPRs in algorithm formulation."



1 Introduction

2 Research Formulation and Literature Review

3 Data Collection

4 Basic Statistical Measures

5 Data Analysis

6 Research Design

7 Hypothesis Formulation and Testing

8 Test Procedures

9 Models for Science and Business

10 Social Research

11 Presentation of the Research Work

12 LaTeX-Document Generation Tool"



1. The document generation tool LaTeX and its various options are explained fully with sample codes and outputs.

2. Numerous exercises, case studies and solved examples make this book unique.

3. Testing procedures, representations of results are mentioned in the same flow like the way how the original research is carried out.

4. Real time common research problems are handled for better understanding

5. Solution-oriented research problems are designed to emphasize the importance on systematic problem solving."


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