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Pulse and Digital Circuits, 1/e

Pulse and Digital Circuits, 1/e
Author(s)  Simy Joy ,Payal Anand ,Priya Nair Rajeev
ISBN  9788131721353
Imprint  Pearson Education
Copyright  2010
Pages  728
Binding  Paperback
List Price  Rs. 1000.00

The book is designed to cater to the needs of undergraduate students of electronics and communication engineering. Written in a lucid, student-friendly style, it covers key topics in the area of pulse and digital circuits. This is an introductory text that discusses the basic concepts involved in the design, operation and analysis of waveshaping circuits. The book includes a preliminary chapter that reviews the concepts needed to understand the subject matter. Each concept in the book is accompanied by self-explanatory circuit diagrams. Interspersed with numerous solved problems, the text presents detailed analysis of key concepts. Multivibrators and sweep generators are covered in great details in the book.

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Venkata Rao K is Director, PG Programmes at Chaitanya Engineering College, Visakhapatnam.
Rama Sudha K is Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, Andhra University.
Manmadha Rao G is associate professor in the electronics and communication engineering department of GMR Institute of Technology, Rajam.

  1. An Introduction to Pulse Waveforms
  2. Linear Waveshaping: High-pass Circuits
  3. Linear Waveshaping: Low-pass Circuits, Attenuators and RLC Circuits
  4. Non-linear Waveshaping: Clipping Circuits and Comparators
  5. Non-Linear Waveshaping: Clamping Circuits
  6. Switching Characteristics of Devices
  7. Astable Multivibrators
  8. Monostable Multivibrators
  9. Bistable Multivibrators
  10. Logic Gates
  11. Sampling Gates
  12. Voltage Sweep Generators
  13. Current Sweep Generators
  14. Blocking Oscillators
  15. Synchronization and Frequency Division
  16. OP-amps, 555 Timers and Negative Resistance Devices in Switching Applications
  17. Combinational Circuits: Implementation and Design
  18. Sequential Circuits: Flip-flops and Counters

  • Simplified circuit diagrams clearly explain concepts
  • Exhaustive mathematical treatment of concepts
  • Comprehensive coverage of multivibrators
  • In-depth analysis of sweep generators
  • Includes 157 solved problems
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