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Introduction to Materials Management, 8/e

Introduction to Materials Management, 8/e
Author(s)  Simy Joy ,Payal Anand ,Priya Nair Rajeev
ISBN  9789386873248
Imprint  Pearson Education
Copyright  2018
Pages  424
Binding  Paperback
List Price  Rs. 860.00

Introduction to Materials Management is an introductory text written for students in community colleges and universities.
It is used in technical programs, such as industrial engineering and manufacturing engineering in business, operations and supply chain management programs and by those already in industry, whether or not they are working in materials management.
The text covers all the basics of supply chain management, manufacturing planning and control systems, purchasing, physical distribution, process, quality and its management using Lean, Six Sigma and Total Quality Management. The writing style is simple and lucid, and the material, examples, questions, and problems lead the student logically through the text.

  • About the Authors
  • Contents
  • Features
  • Downloadable Resources

Stephen N. Chapman - North Carolina State University

J. R. Tony Arnold - CFPIM, CIRM

Ann K. Gatewood - CFPIM, CIRM, CSCP Gatewood Associates, LLC

Lloyd M. Clive - CFPIM


Indian Contributor for adaptation: Ayon Chakraborthy - I I M - Trichy



Chapter 1:  Introduction to Materials Management

Chapter 2: Production Planning System

Chapter 3: Master Scheduling

Chapter 4: Material Requirements Planning

Chapter 5: Capacity Management

Chapter 6: Production Activity Control

Chapter 7: Purchasing

Chapter 8: Forecasting and Demand Management

Chapter 9: Inventory Fundamentals

Chapter 10: Order Quantities

Chapter 11: Independent Demand Ordering Systems

Chapter 12: Physical Inventory and Warehouse Management

Chapter 13: Introduction to Quality



·  All chapters have been updated to reflect new techniques and technology

·  New case studies have been added

·  Several special topic boxes have been added relating to non-manufacturing settings such as service industries

·  End-of-chapter problems have been revised and some new ones added throughout the text

·  Expansion of purpose and impact of strategic planning, including environmental and sustainability issues. This

allows students to understand the importance of the field at a higher level, including impacts and benefits to society

as a whole.

·  Additional information included on demand management.

·  Additional information included on lean production concepts and Theory of Constraints. Theory of Constraint

provides an interesting and potentially effective alternative method to think about several of the concepts in the

book, and can help students compare and contrast Theory of Constraint with non-Theory of Constraint approaches.

(See Ch. 6)

·  A brief introduction to Project Management has been added to Ch. 6 to provide students initial exposure to a skill

today's employers are looking for.

In addition, we have retained several features from previous editions.

·  Margin icons to note key concepts

·  Key terms listed at the end of each chapter

·  Example problems within the chapters

·  Chapter summaries

·  Questions and problems at the end of each chapter"


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