Sheetal Taneja, University of Delhi
Naveen Kumar, University of Delhi
"1. Python Programming: An Introduction
2. Functions
3. Control Structures
4. Debugging
5. Scope
6. Strings
7. Mutable and Immutable Objects
8. Recursion
9. Files and Exceptions
10. Classes I
11. Classes II
12. List Manipulation
13. Data Structures I: Stack and Queues
14. Data Structures II: Linked Lists
15. Data Structures III: Binary Search Trees
16. More on Recursion
17. Graphics
18. Applications of Python
1. A chapter on debugging — an essential skill for making the programs work
2. Includes basic sorting and searching techniques— selection sort, bubble sort, insertion sort, merge sort, quick sort, and linear and binary search
3. Comprehensive treatment of recursion, including problems such as list manipulation, Tower of Hanoi, permutation generation, n-queens' problem, Sudoku, and plotting Hilbert curves
4. Margin notes and chapter summary for quick review of the concepts"