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Introduction to Mathematical Statistics, 8/e

Introduction to Mathematical Statistics, 8/e
Author(s)  Simy Joy ,Payal Anand ,Priya Nair Rajeev
ISBN  9789353946760
Imprint  Pearson Education
Copyright  2021
Pages  764
Binding  Paperback
List Price  Rs. 1330.00

"Introduction to Mathematical Statistics by Hogg, McKean, and Craig enhances student comprehension and retention with numerous, illustrative examples and exercises. Classical statistical inference procedures in estimation and testing are explored extensively, and the text's flexible organization makes it ideal for a range of mathematical statistics courses. Substantial changes to the 8th Edition - many based on user feedback - help students appreciate the connection between statistical theory and statistical practice, while other changes enhance the development "

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"Robert V. Hogg, University of Iowa

Joeseph McKean

Allen T. Craig, Late, Professor of Statistics, University of Iowa"


"1. Probability and Distributions

2. Multivariate Distributions

3. Some Special Distributions

4. Some Elementary Statistical Inferences

5. Consistency and Limiting Distributions

6. Maximum Likelihood Methods

7. Sufficiency

8. Optimal Tests of Hypotheses

9. Inferences About Normal Linear Models

10. Nonparametric and Robust Statistics

11. Bayesian Statistics


A. Mathematical Comments

B. R Primer

C. Lists of Common Distributions

D. Table of Distributions

E. References

F. Answers to Selected Exercises"


"· Many additional real data sets to illustrate statistical methods or compare methods.

· Expanded use of the statistical software R, a powerful statistical language which is free and can run on all three main platforms.

· Expanded discussion of iterated integrals, with added figures to clarify discussion.

· Several important topics have been added, including a subsection on the bivariate normal distribution, Tukey's multiple comparison procedure and confidence intervals for the correlation coefficients.

· Discussion on standard errors for estimates obtained by bootstrapping the sample is now included."

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