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Essentials of Operations Management, 1/e

Essentials of Operations Management, 1/e
Author(s)  Simy Joy ,Payal Anand ,Priya Nair Rajeev
ISBN  9789332519473
Imprint  Pearson Education
Copyright  2014
Pages  352
Binding  Paperback
List Price  Rs. 749.00

Essentials of Operations Management is a brand new concise version of the market-leading text Operations Management. It has been developed for students on short courses in operations management - for example, doing an initial course at undergraduate, postgraduate or post-experience level.  In this book the author team has set the standards in Operations Management which other textbooks seek to emulate: Expert authorship, an engaging writing style, and an interesting collection of cases combine to communicate the importance of managing operations and processes within a successful organisation.

  • About the Authors
  • Contents
  • Contents
  • Features
  • Downloadable Resources

Nigel Slack is the Professor of Operations Managment and Strategy at Warwick University. Previously he has been Professor of Manufacturing Strategy and Lucas Professor of Manufacturing Systems Engineering at Brunel University, a University Lecturer in Management Studies at Oxford University and Fellow in Operations Management at Templeton College, Oxford.


Robert Johnston is a Professor of Operations Management at Warwick Business School and Associate Dean, responsible for finance and resources. He is the founding editor of the International Journal of Service Industry Management and he also serves on the editorial board of the Journal of Operations Management and the International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research.


Alistair Brandon-Jones is a lecturer in Operations and Supply Management at the University of Bath, School of Management, and a visiting lecturer at Warwick Medical School. Previously, he was a Teaching Fellow at Warwick Business School and also worked in a number of logistics and retail roles. He has a Bachelor's degree in Management Science and a Doctorate in Business from the University of Warwick and is widely published in leading operations and supply management journals.



1 Operations management

2 Operations strategy

3 Social, environment and economic performance

4 The design of products and services

5 Process design

6 Location, layout and flow

7 Supply network management

8 Capacity management

9 Inventory planning and control

10 Planning and control

11 Lean synchronization

12 Quality management

13 Operations improvement


• Exclusive access to online resources in MyOMLab, which will enable you to check your understanding, apply knowledge and techniques, and prepare for exams and assessments - all in your own time and at your own pace.

• Full matrix of case studies used in the book, listing the company name and size, region, and sector/activity it falls into, enabling you to successfully plan your teaching.

• Operations in Practice boxes bring to life the operational  issues faced by real businesses

• Critical Commentaries show a diversity of viewpoints in this wide-spanning discipline, encouraging class debate

• Short cases help to consolidate students' learning of major themes



• Exclusive access to online resources in MyOMLab, which will enable you to check your understanding, apply knowledge and techniques, and prepare for exams and assessments - all in your own time and at your own pace.

• Full matrix of case studies used in the book, listing the company name and size, region, and sector/activity it falls into, enabling you to successfully plan your teaching.

• Operations in Practice boxes bring to life the operational  issues faced by real businesses

• Critical Commentaries show a diversity of viewpoints in this wide-spanning discipline, encouraging class debate

• Short cases help to consolidate students' learning of major themes


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