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Computer and Communication Networks, 1/e

Computer and Communication Networks, 1/e
Author(s)  Simy Joy ,Payal Anand ,Priya Nair Rajeev
ISBN  9788131715437
Imprint  PH PTR
Copyright  2007
Pages  650
Binding  Paperback
List Price  Rs. 960.00

Many books in this space are outdated. Dr. Mir addresses the shortcomings in the professional and higher education texts by offering balanced coverage of all topics using extensive case studies and examples. This book covers fundamental and advanced topics in networking suitable for researchers and students. It also covers topics that competitors lack including multicasting protocols, switching systems, high-speed protocols, sensor/mesh networks, WiMax, and Zigbee. Network architecture books, especially the popular ones, are often criticized for being afraid of the math that is involved in design and not offering enough practical scenario based information (e.g. case studies). Computer and Communication Networks has 15 case studies, 250 exercises and examples, and 390 equations/ algorithms.

  • About the Author
  • Contents
  • Features
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Nader F. Mir is a professor in the Electrical Engineering Department of San Jose State University. He has received a number of prestigious national and university awards and has published numerous technical journal and conference papers in the field of communications and networking.

Part I: Fundamental Concepts
  1. Packet-Switched Networks
  2. Foundation of Networking Protocols
  3. Networking Devices
  4. Data Links and Transmission
  5. Local Area Networks and Networks of LANs
  6. Wireless Networks and Mobile IP
  7. Routing and Internetworking
  8. Transport and End-to-End Protocols
  9. Applications and Network Management
  10. Network Security

Part II: Advanced Concepts
  1. Packet Queues and Delay Analysis
  2. Quality of Service and Resource Allocation
  3. Networks in Switch Fabrics
  4. Optical Networks and WDM Systems

  • Blended book covering both the theory and implementation that other books lack.
  • Heavily illustrated (328 figures/images). 15 case studies to further explain concepts and theory.
  • Author's credentials are strong. Book created from 12 years of teaching networking.
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