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Applied Numerical Analysis Using MATLAB, 2/e

Applied Numerical Analysis Using MATLAB, 2/e
Author(s)  Simy Joy ,Payal Anand ,Priya Nair Rajeev
ISBN  9788131728536
Imprint  Pearson Education
Copyright  2009
Pages  688
Binding  Paperback
List Price  Rs. 1290.00

This text is appropriate for undergraduate courses on numerical methods and numerical analysis found in engineering, mathematics & computer science departments. Each chapter uses introductory problems from specific applications. These easy-to-understand problems clarify for the reader the need for a particular mathematical technique. Numerical techniques are explained with an emphasis on why they work.
  • Contents
  • Features
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  1. Foundations
  2. Functions of One Variable
  3. Solving Linear Systems: Direct Methods
  4. LU and QR Factorization
  5. Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
  6. Solving Linear Systems: Iterative Methods
  7. Nonlinear Functions of Several Variables
  8. Interpolation
  9. Approximation
  10. Fourier Methods
  11. Numerical Differentiation and Integration
  12. Ordinary Differential Equations: Fundamentals
  13. ODE: Systems, Stiffness, Stability
  14. ODE: Boundary-Value Problems
  15. Partial Differential Equations

  • Full-page overview for each chapter – Includes two applications to introduce each chapter (except the first introductory chapter)
  • End-of-chapter “Beyond the Basics” or “Further Topics” – Introduce more advanced methods, often including those used by MATLAB and other professionally developed software packages.
  • Chapter Wrap-Up – Includes a summary of the formulas for the basic methods presented in the chapter, suggestions for further reading, and several types of exercises.
  • Practice the Techniques problems – Present fairly straightforward problems that encourage “practice by hand” or verification of simple MATLAB programs.
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