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Mobile Computing, 1/e

Mobile Computing, 1/e
Author(s)  Simy Joy ,Payal Anand ,Priya Nair Rajeev
ISBN  9788131731666
Imprint  Pearson Education
Copyright  2010
Pages  232
Binding  Paperback
List Price  Rs. 780.00

An undergraduate text on mobile computing, covering all the basic concepts of mobile computing as well as mobile communication. The book also deals with the new concepts that have emerged in recent years like Bluetooth Security and topics on Nokia Handhelds (a topic exclusive to this book).
  • About the Author
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Prof. Kumkum Garg is Professor of Computing at IIT Roorkee. She obtained her M.Tech. in CSE from the University of Roorkee (now IIT Roorkee), and Ph.D. from Imperial College, London. She was awarded the Apple Distinguished Educator (ADE) award in 2006, for ‘commitment to the promise of educational technology in the classroom and beyond’. Dr Garg is a Senior Member of IEEE, Fellow of the Institution of Engineers (I) and Life Member of various professional societies, including the ISTE, SMATAC and ISCEE. She has over 38 years experience in teaching and research.

  1. Introduction to Mobility
  2. Wireless and Cellular communication
  3. Wireless Networks
  4. Logical mobility I – Migrating Processes
  5. Physical mobility
  6. Mobile Adhoc Networks
  7. Wireless Sensor Networks
  8. Mobile Handheld devices
  9. The mobile Internet and Wireless web
  10. Logical mobility II - Mobile Agents
  11. Security Issues in Mobile Computing
  12. Design and Programming Projects

  • Case-Studies on topics like Coda File System, Mica Mote and Tiny OS present in the book
  • Topics like Bluetooth Security, WAP, Wireless Sensor Networks discussed
  • An appendix on Java and Network Programming for mobile applications is provided
  • Excellent pedagogy – Subjective and Objective Type questions
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