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Integrated Advertising, Promotion and Marketing Communications, 6/e

Integrated Advertising, Promotion and Marketing Communications, 6/e
Author(s)  Simy Joy ,Payal Anand ,Priya Nair Rajeev
ISBN  9789332518377
Imprint  Pearson Education
Copyright  2014
Pages  460
Binding  Paperback
List Price  Rs. 1030.00

Examine advertising and promotions through the lens of integrated marketing communications.

The carefully integrated approach of this text blends advertising, promotions, and marketing communications together, providing students with the information they need to understand the process and benefits of successful IMC campaigns.

  • About the Authors
  • Contents
  • Features
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Kenneth E. Clow

Donald E. Baack



Part I. The IMC Foundation

1. Integrated Marketing Communications

2. Corporate Image and Brand Management

3. Buyer Behaviors

4. The IMC Planning Process


Part II. IMC Advertising Tools

5. Advertising Management

6. Advertising Design: Theoretical Frameworks and Types of Appeals

7. Advertising Design: Message Strategies and Executional Frameworks


Part III. IMC Media Tools

8. Traditional Media Channels

9. Digital Marketing


Part IV. IMC Promotional Tools

10. Database and Direct Response Marketing and Personal Selling

11. Sales Promotions

12. Public Relations and Sponsorship Programs


Part V. IMC Ethics, Regulation, and Evaluation

13. Regulations and Ethical Concerns

14. Evaluating an Integrated Marketing Program




Integrated Campaigns in Action

Increased Emphasis on Social Media

Interviews with Advertising Professionals

Lead-in vignettes

International marketing discussions

Critical-thinking exercises and discussion questions

Integrated learning exercises

Creative Corner exercises



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