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Behavior in Organizations, 10/e

Behavior in Organizations, 10/e
Author(s)  Simy Joy ,Payal Anand ,Priya Nair Rajeev
ISBN  9789332556997
Imprint  Pearson Education
Copyright  2016
Pages  720
Binding  Paperback
List Price  Rs. 1190.00

For one-semester, undergraduate and graduate level courses in Organizational Behavior.
Unique and current insight on the everyday processes and phenomena of OB.

Behavior in Organizations shows students the real world of OB through its blend of cutting-edge research and practical applications. This text then challenges students to take theory one step further by having them put the concepts into action.

The many changes in the tenth edition reflect the authors' never-ending mission to present a balance between knowledge and application, while including coverage on the latest advances in the field.


  • About the Author
  • Contents
  • Features
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• Jerald Greenberg


Part 1: Introduction to Organizational Behavior

Chapter 1: The Field of Organizational Behavior

Chapter 2: Organizational Justice, Ethics, and Corporate Social Responsibility

Part 2: Basic Human Processes

Chapter 3: Perception and Learning: Understanding and Adapting to the Work Environment

Chapter 4:  Individual Differences: Personality, Skills, and Abilities

Chapter 5: Coping with Organizational Life: Emotions and Stress

Part 3: The Individual in the Organization

Chapter 6: Work-Related Attitudes: Prejudice, Job Satisfaction, and Organizational Commitment

Chapter 7: Motivation in Organizations

Part 4: Group Dynamics

Chapter 8: Group Dynamics and Work Teams

Chapter 9: Communication in Organizations

Chapter 10: Decision-Making in Organizations

Chapter 11: Interpersonal Behavior at Work: Conflict, Cooperation, Trust, and Deviance

Part 5: Influencing Others

Chapter 12: Power: Its Uses and Abuses in Organizations

Chapter 13: Leadership in Organizations

Part 6: Organizational Processes

Chapter 14: Organizational Culture, Creativity, and Innovation

Chapter 15: Organizational Structure and Design

Chapter 16: Managing Organizational Change: Strategic Planning and Organizational Development



For one-semester, undergraduate and graduate level courses in Organizational Behavior. 

Unique and current insight on the everyday processes and phenomena of OB.

Behavior in Organizations shows students the real world of OB through its blend of cutting-edge research and practical applications. This text then challenges students to take theory one-step further by having them put the concepts into action.

The many changes in the tenth edition reflect the authors' never-ending mission to present a balance between knowledge and application, while including coverage on the latest advances in the field.


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