CHAPTER 1 Introduction to World of High Technology Marketing
CHAPTER 2 Strategic Market Planning in High-Tech Firms
CHAPTER 3 Culture and Climate Considerations for High-Tech Companies
CHAPTER 4 Market Orientation and Cross-functional (Marketing/R&D) Interaction
CHAPTER 5 Partnerships/Alliances and Customer Relationship Marketing
CHAPTER 6 Marketing Research in High-Tech Markets
CHAPTER 7 Understanding High-Tech Customers
Chapter 9 Distribution Channels and Supply Chain Management in High-Tech Markets
CHAPTER 10 Pricing Considerations in High-Tech Markets
CHAPTER 11 Marketing Communication Tools for High-Tech Markets
CHAPTER 12 Strategic Considerations in Marketing Communications
NEW! End-of-book Cases: The cases that have encouraged hands-on experience and in-depth analysis in previous editions have been replaced by current cases that better relate to today's student. Facilitate critical thinking skills in your classroom with cases on:
• Skype
• TiVo
• Xerox
• ESRI (GIS software)
• Boeing and Airbus
• Goomzee
UPDATED! In-depth Opening Vignettes: Each chapter begins with an opening vignette that highlights a particular company and how it has grappled with the issues in the coming chapter. In this edition the opening vignettes have not only been updated with current material but also delve deeper into the issues at hand providing students with greater insight.
NEW! "Technology Solutions to Global Problems": These boxes feature real, cutting-edge companies, products/technologies, and business models that solve emerging problems such as the energy crisis or global warming.
NEW! Video: Supplementary videos are available to aid students in understanding the material.