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Database Systems: The Complete Book, 2/e

Database Systems: The Complete Book, 2/e
Author(s)  Simy Joy ,Payal Anand ,Priya Nair Rajeev
ISBN  9789332518674
Imprint  Pearson Education
Copyright  2014
Pages  1139
Binding  Paperback
List Price  Rs. 1600.00

Written by well-known computer scientists, this introduction to database systems offers a comprehensive approach, focusing on database design, database use, and implementation of database applications and database management systems.
The first half of the book provides in-depth coverage of databases from the point of view of the database designer, user, and application programmer. It covers the latest database standards SQL:1999, SQL/PSM, SQL/CLI, JDBC, ODL, and XML, with broader coverage of SQL than most other texts. The second half of the book provides in-depth coverage of databases from the point of view of the DBMS implementor. It focuses on storage structures, query processing, and transaction management. The book covers the main techniques in these areas with broader coverage of query optimization than most other texts, along with advanced topics including multidimensional and bitmap indexes, distributed transactions, and information integration techniques.


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Hector Garcia-Molina is the L. Bosack and S. Lerner Professor of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering at Stanford University. His research interests include digital libraries, information integration, and database applications on the Internet. He was a recipient of the SIGMOD Innovations Award and a member of PITAC (President's Information-Technology Advisory Council). He currently serves on the Board of Directors of Oracle Corp.


Jeffrey D. Ullman is the Stanford W. Ascherman Professor of Computer Science (emeritus) at Stanford University. He is the author or co-author of 16 books, including Elements of ML Programming (Prentice Hall 1998). His research interests include data mining, information integration, and electronic education. He is a member of the National Academy of Engineering, and recipient of a Guggenheim Fellowship, the Karl V. Karlstom Outstanding Educator Award, the SIGMOD Contributions and Edgar F. Codd Innovations Awards, and the Knuth Prize.


Jennifer Widom is Professor of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering at Stanford University. Her research interests span many aspects of nontraditional data management. She is an ACM Fellow and a member of the National Academy of Engineering, she received the ACM SIGMOD Edgar F. Codd Innovations award in 2007 and was a Guggenheim Fellow in 2000, and she has served on a variety of program committees, advisory boards, and editorial boards.



1 The Worlds of Database Systems

2 The Relational Model of Data

3 Design Theory for Relational Databases

4 High-Level Database Models

5 Algebraic and Logical Query Languages

6 The Database Language SQL

7 Constraints and Triggers

8 Views and Indexes

9 SQL in a Server Environment

10 Advanced Topics in Relational Databases

11 The Semistructured-Data Model

12 Programming Languages for XML

13 Secondary Storage Management

14 Index Structures

15 Query Execution

16 The Query Compiler

17 Coping with System Failures

18 Concurrency Control

19 More About Transaction Management

20 Parallel and Distributed Databases

21 Information Integration

22 Database Systems and the Internet


• Many real-world examples.

• Extensive treatment of database modeling-Includes detailed and separate explanations of how to use E/R and ODL to design databases.

• Excellent, up-to-date and detailed coverage of SQL-Includes coverage of object-relational systems and many aspects of the new SQL:1999 standard.

• Discussion of the technologies used to connect database programming with C or Java code-Includes discussions of SQL/PSM, SQL/CLI, and JDBC.

• Coverage of advanced issues important to database designers and users.

• Discussions of how to successfully plan a database application before building it.

• Coverage of topics such as designing storage structures and implementing a variety of indexing schemes.

• Extensive coverage of query processing and optimization.

• Comprehensive coverage of transaction processing mechanisms for concurrency control and recovery, including distributed and long-duration transactions

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