Prof. Gottapu Sasi Bhushana Rao is Professor & Head of the Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, Andhra University College of Engineering, Visakhapatnam, India. He has 28 years of Research & Development, Industrial and Teaching experience.
Chapter 1: Vector Analysis
Chapter 2: Review of Maxwell's Equations and EM Wave Characteristics
Chapter 3: Review of Transmission Lines
Chapter 4: Introduction to Microwave Engineering
Chapter 5: Waveguides
Chapter 6: Waveguide Components
Chapter 7: Scattering Matrix for Waveguide Components
Chapter 8: Microwave Tubes
Chapter 9: Microwave Solid-state Devices
Chapter 10: Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuits
Chapter 11: Microwave Measurements
Chapter 12: Introduction to Radars
Chapter 13: CW Radar, FMCW Radar, and Pulse Radar
Chapter 14: MTI and Pulse Doppler Radars
Chapter 15: Tracking Radars
Chapter 16: Detection of Signals in Noise and Radar Receivers
Chapter 17: Microwave Experiments
Appendix A Glossary of Terms
Appendix B The Decibel [dB]
Appendix C Doppler Frequency Shift
Appendix D Physical Constants, Factors for Converting Measurements,
and Measurement Unit Prefixes
Appendix E Manley-Rowe Relations
• Faraday's law, Ampere's law and Maxwell's equations elucidated
• Waveguide theory, waveguide components, microwave devices and S-parameters of microwave networks described
• Principle and applications of RADAR covered
• Over 100 examples, 240 objective type questions and 260 review questions