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Strategic Management Concepts: A Competitive Advantage Approach, 16/e

Strategic Management Concepts: A Competitive Advantage Approach, 16/e
Author(s)  Simy Joy ,Payal Anand ,Priya Nair Rajeev
ISBN  9789353062835
Imprint  Pearson Education
Copyright  2019
Pages  422
Binding  Paperback
List Price  Rs. 680.00

Strategic Management Concepts: A Competitive Advantage Approach, 16e, is a practical, skills-oriented strategic-management textbook designed to enable students to learn "how to do strategic planning," rather than simply memorize seminal theories in strategy. This book will provide managers the latest skills and concepts needed to effectively formulate and efficiently implement a strategic plan that can lead to sustainable competitive advantages for any type of business.
Learners using this text follow an integrative model that appears in every chapter as they progress with the book. They learn how to construct strategic-planning matrices, such as the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) and the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) matrices. Readers will also learn how to perform strategic-planning analyses, such as earnings-per-share/earnings-before-interest-and-taxes (EPS/EBIT) and Corporate Valuation. The focus throughout this text is on "learning by doing."

  • About the Authors
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- Fred R. David,

Francis Marion University

Florence, South Carolina

- Forest R. David,

Strategic Planning Consultant

- Purva Kansal,

Panjab University"



"Part 1 Overview of Strategic Management

Chapter 1 T he Nature of Strategic Management

Part 2 Strategy Formulation

Chapter 2 The Business Vision and Mission

Chapter 3 The External Assessment

Chapter 4 The Internal Assessment

Chapter 5 Strategies in Action

Chapter 6 Strategy Analysis and Choice

Part 3 Strategy Implementation

Chapter 7 Implementing Strategies: Management, Operations, and Human Resource Issues

Chapter 8 Implementing Strategies: Marketing, Finance/Accounting, R&D, and MIS Issues

Part 4 Strategy Evaluation

Chapter 9 Strategy Review, Evaluation, and Control

Part 5 Key Strategic-Management Topics

Chapter 10 Business Ethics, Social Responsibility, and Environmental Sustainability

Chapter 11 Global and International Issues

Part 6 Strategic-Management Case Analysis


• A brand-new COHESION CASE on The Hershey Company (2015) is provided, which allows the learners to apply strategy concepts to Hershey at the end of each chapter through new, innovative Assurance of Learning Exercises.

• Brand new, one-page MINI-CASES appear at the end of each chapter, complete with questions designed to apply chapter concepts. Some of the companies under discussion including Indian ones are: Kroger Company Chapter, Walt Disney Company, S. K. Metallic Engineering Works (Indian), LinkedIn, A3 Foods (Indian), Yeravani Chenchu Colony (Indian), Hilton Worldwide, NPK International (Indian), etc.

• Original, half-page ACADEMIC RESEARCH CAPSULES are presented in each chapter to showcase how new strategic-management research is impacting business practice.

• Some more examples of Indian companies included to help learners relate the concepts within their context are Axis Bank, Kingfisher, Amara Raja Group, Tanishq, Tata Nano, Decathlon, and ITC.


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