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Thermodynamics, 1/e

Thermodynamics, 1/e
Author(s)  Simy Joy ,Payal Anand ,Priya Nair Rajeev
ISBN  9788131771853
Imprint  Pearson Education
Copyright  2013
Pages  616
Binding  Paperback
List Price  Rs. 620.00

Designed for undergraduate students of mechanical engineering, this book offers a lucid treatment of the concepts dealt with in their core paper on Thermodynamics. It is an easily readable and compact textbook that covers all topics that are relevant to a basic course on thermodynamics without any let up on academic rigor required for a thorough understanding of the subject.

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Prasanna Kumar was born in Mysore on 23rd May 1945. He did his schooling in Bangalore. Hecompleted his bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering from UVCE Bangalore in 1965 and his postgraduate studies obtaining the degree of master of engineering in applied thermal sciences from the University of Roorkee in 1970. He obtained his PhD degree in "Heat Transfer Augmentation Using Twisted Tapes," from the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, in 1980. His professional work took him to prestigious industries such as Jyoti Limited (Baroda), BHEL R & D (Hyderabad), and Vulcan Laval Limited, Pune.


Starting from 1999, he has been devoting his full time to teaching and academic administration. He has guided innumerable batches of students at the undergraduate level and postgraduate level for their fi nal year projects. He has been teaching subjects such as thermodynamics, heat transfer, fl uid mechanics, gas dynamics, and renewable energy sources. He is currently Professor at Northern India Engineering College, New Delhi



Chapter 1 Fundamental Concepts and Definitions

Chapter 2 Work and Heat

Chapter 3 Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics

Chapter 4 The First Law of Thermodynamics

Chapter 5 First Law Analysis of Open Systems

Chapter 6 Second Law of Thermodynamics

Chapter 7 Entropy and the Third Law of Thermodynamics

Chapter 8 Availability

Chapter 9 Thermodynamic Property Relations

Chapter 10 Properties of Pure Substances

Chapter 11 Ideal and Real Gases

Chapter 12 Non-reactive Gas Mixtures

Chapter 13 Psychrometrics

Chapter 14 Reactive Gas Mixtures—Combustion

Chapter 15 Vapour Power Cycles

Chapter 16 Reciprocating IC Engine Cycles

Chapter 17 Gas Turbine Cycles

Chapter 18 Refrigeration Cycles

Chapter 19 Reciprocating Compressors

Chapter 20 Turbines

Chapter 21 Fundamentals of Compressible Flow


  • The fundamentals are expounded with a view to drive home the principles governing each thermodynamic law and equation
  • The subject is unfolded gradually and logically, amply augmented by solved examples at each stage
  • A molecular interpretation of energy interactions is given at the end of every chapter to kindle interest in the minds of students.

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