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Water-Resources Engineering: SI EDITION, 3/e

Water-Resources Engineering: SI EDITION, 3/e
Author(s)  Simy Joy ,Payal Anand ,Priya Nair Rajeev
ISBN  9789353433819
Imprint  Pearson Education
Copyright  2019
Pages  976
Binding  Paperback
List Price  Rs. 890.00

Water-Resources Engineering provides comprehensive coverage of hydraulics, hydrology, and water-resources planning and management. Presented from fi rst principles, the material is rigorous, relevant to the practice of water resources engineering, and reinforced by detailed presentations of design applications. The third edition has been completely SI Metricated to meet the requirements of the users.

  • About the Authors
  • Contents
  • Features
  • Downloadable Resources

David A. Chin

SI Edition contributions by

Asis Mazumdar

Professor of Water Resources Engineering & Director

School of Water Resources Engineering

Jadavpur University, Kolkata

Pankaj Kumar Roy

Professor & Joint Director

School of Water Resources Engineering

Jadavpur University, Kolkata"


1 Introduction

2 Fundamentals of Flow in Closed Conduits

3 Design of Water-Distribution Systems

4 Fundamentals of Flow in Open Channels

5 Design of Drainage Channels

6 Design of Sanitary Sewers

7 Design of Hydraulic Structures

8 Probability and Statistics in Water-Resources Engineering

9 Fundamentals of Surface-Water Hydrology I: Rainfall and Abstractions

10 Fundamentals of Surface-Water Hydrology II: Runoff

11 Design of Stormwater-Collection Systems

12 Design of Stormwater-Management Systems

13 Estimation of Evapotranspiration

14 Fundamentals of Groundwater Hydrology I: Governing Equations

15 Fundamentals of Groundwater Hydrology II: Applications

16 Design of Groundwater Systems

17 Water-Resources Planning "


¦ Detailed coverage of hydraulics, hydrology, and contaminant transport in a single text provides a holistic view of water-resources engineering.

¦ Design methods are state-of-the-art, preparing students for engineering practice

¦ Design protocols that are consistent with ASCE, WEF, and AWWA Manuals of Practice – Gives students crucial familiarity with the codes and design standards that guide most modern designs

¦ Coverage of the design of drainage channels and design of sanitary sewers have been completely rewritten and updated. "

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